Kalsarp Pooja Cost or Price or Charges at Trimbakeshwar

Kaal Sarp Puja Cost or Price or Charges at Trimbakeshwar

Kalsarp Pooja Cost: When all the planetoids come in the middle of Rahu and Ketu or when all the stars of prosperity or planets get apprehended in a brutal circle then it is the time for a person to understand that they have Kaal Sarp Dosh in their life. Rahu is the mouth of the snake while Ketu is the remaining part of the body of the snake. Rahu and Ketu in the style of a snake that absorb all other planets in the Kundali and thus make them asleep and keep a person distant from the particular energy.

हिंदी में पढ़े – क्लिक करे – कालसर्प पूजा की लागत या शुल्क या खर्च

Kal Sarp Dosh can influence a person for almost 50 years and some for the whole life; it rely upon the place of the planets.

Problems happened due to Kalsarpa Dosh:

  • A person will have a practice of hesitating.
  • Mental calmness is not there.
  • Late in work.
  • Lack of trust
  • Evolve scarcity complex.
  • Continuous health issues.
  • Difficulty in career.
  • Unwanted tensions.
  • Family problems.

Reason to do Kalsarpa Puja

Many people are aware about the Kalsarpa dosh in their Kundali but disregard ignore it.

That’s when difficulties in life start. We should do Kalsarp Puja:

  • To get away from monetary issues.
  • For good relation between husband and wife.
  • To mount decisive thinking and get away of regular illness.
  • To abstain marriage and pregnancy delay.

Kaalsarp Dosh is associated with bad energies that can have an effect of the physical, mental and unconscious state of a person. Although it is a myth that kaalsarp Dosh can come in anybody’s kundali in a family member if the snake has been murdered by any human.

This Kaalsarp Dosh is more comprehensive. It is better to fulfil this pooja as soon as one gets to know about Kalsarpa Dosh in their Kundali.

Trimbakeshwar Kal Sarp Puja Procedure

  • Group of followers do the Puja altogether.
  • Devotees requires to reach a day before or before 6:00 am on the puja date.
  • The Pandit will be helping devotees in performing puja. In addition pandit will be reciting mantras.
  • They organize the items in the hall before puja. However, believers need not to carry any material.
  • The puja is for almost 2-3 hours.

Kalsarp Pooja Cost at Trimbakeshwar

The trimbakeshwar pooja charges are distinct as per the places, and people decide to perform.

  • The kalsarpa shanti puja charges is of Rs. 2500 for performing individual puja.
  • Also, kaal sarp dosh puja price is Rs 5500 for individual puja with rahu ketu jaap.
  • Kalsarp Pooja Cost for Best Kaal Sarp Nivaran Maha Pooja for 100% Result will be 11000/- with 3 Pandits in Puja, Silver Naag, New Cloths for Puja, Puja Prasad, Pickup & Drop Facility, Temple Darshan Entry.

The trimbakeshwar kal sarp puja cost is not too much. It is for all levels of people. In other words, middle class person can also go for this pooja and a high class can also go there. Lunch is inclusive in trimbakeshwar pooja cost.

Benefits of Performing Kalsarpa Puja

After the Kalsarpa Puja, Rahu-Ketu puja makes way for pleasure and wealth. One can get the Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran at Trimbakeshwar and get free from all defects occurring due to the dosh. It lets the mind settle in calmness and one starts thinking from a positive way.

People can do Kaal sarp Dosh Nivaran puja at the holy place Trimbakeshwar in India.

This puja safeguard a person from negative powers and energies. Family relations grow powerful and positive changes in professional life are seen.

The after-effects of the Puja have an effect on the positive side as it remove all the negativity.

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